April 19, 2014

Fitness Journal - April Week 3

ran: 12.3 miles
walked/other: 6.6 miles
total mileage:18.9 miles

4-14-14 Monday

I ran a 2.6 miler today. :) I got up early this morning so I could get my run in, but it had snowed, and the wind was whipping rather profusely...so, I decided to wait a little bit before venturing out. (Aka: the driveway needed to be shoveled first. :) Have you ever tried running in 2 inches of snow? Yep, that's what I did. . .Anyway I got my run in before lunch, and averaged a mile/7.5 minutes. I ran the first mile in 7 minutes, then finished the last 1.6 mile(s) a bit slower (7.5 and 5 mins)

I do realize we are in the month of April. . .however, Wisconsin's weather isn't cooperating. ;)
4-15-14 Tuesday

An off day from running, I decided to do:

- 2 mile walk
- 20 pushups
- 60 minutes of stretching (P90X's X Stretch)

. . .for my exercise regime. :)

4-16-14 Wednesday

This girl + an early morning run = 3.1 miles under my belt. It was cold and snowy/rainy today, and despite the desire I felt to stay indoors, I get out early and got my run in. :) Rather than doing my usual 2.6 mile run today, I decided to try a 3 miler - which turned in to a 3.1 mile run. (Sounds more impressive, no?) I ran the first mile at a pace of a mile/7 minutes, and the last 2.1 miles at a mile/7.5 minute pace.

4-17-14 Thursday

Today was my running off day, but as the sun is (finally!) shining and it's a semi-decent temperature, I decided to run a nice, relaxed 2.6 mile run. I didn't worry about the time, but kept a steady/conversational pace. :)

4-18-14 Friday

It was beautiful outside, today! :) Although I didn't do any running, I was outside the majority of the day and went for a 2.6 mile walk and in the evening I took the kids on a 2 mile bikeride. I'm really enjoying this warm(er) weather!

4-19-14 Saturday

Got up early today (to "beat the heat" haha - we have a high of 58 degrees!) and went for my run at 7:30. I ran 4 miles today at a pace of a mile/7.5 minutes. I ran the first mile in seven minutes then slowed down half a minute for the last three. :) Upping my miles, little by little!

after the 4 miler! 

1 comment:

  1. Hah. Your idea of "conversational pace" and mine are two very different things.
    If I died while running away from something, I wouldn't even have an opportunity to give heroic "last words." There wouldn't even be a groan - only agonized wheezing.

