May 3, 2014

Fitness Journal - April Week 5

total mileage: 19.8 miles
ran: 17.6 miles
walked:2.2 miles

4-28-14 Monday
Rain. A gloomy sky. Wind. Those three things were my "running pals" today. (well, it wasn't actually raining while I was running. . .but it started to when I got home. :) Anyhoo. I got up early to beat the  worst of the rain, and got a 2.8 mile run in. :))) I ran at a 7 minute/a mile pace, and got done like: "snip-snap, done! we're movin' on".

4-29-14 Tuesday
I did a 35 minute stretch "routine" today. It was nice to stretch out, and enjoy the warmth of the house. . .it's wet, rainy and dreary today. ;) I also did 20 pushups (in one "set":) and 250 Ab Exercise reps.

4-30-14 Wednesday
I was up early and got in a 5.6 mile run this morning! (I beat the rain!) I intended to run 6 miles, but due to forgetting which road to take that will go to ___ street, (the street that was a calculated  3 miles away I didn't have the other route mapped out/calculated. . .yeah. So. I got a 5.6 mile run in, in 49 minutes. I tried a new route, as I was mentioning before, and I really like it: it's more in the country-ish, and. . .really nice. :)

5-1-14 Thursday
I ran 6 miles, this afternoon! :) I'm super excited to "lay claims" to that accomplishment. ;) The whole run took 48 minutes. It wasn't "all ease", as it got a bit challenging towards the end of my run: but I did finish and. . .without stopping. :)

5-2-14 Friday 
Today was an off day - and I was very thankful for it, as: after running 11 miles in two days. . .I was definitely "feeling" it. :) Anyhoo: I walked about 2.2 miles, and played some volleyball. :)

5-3-14 Saturday
We were helping with a rummage sale today, and had to be at the sale by eight o' clock in the morning, I got up early (6:15 am) and went for my run. It. was. beautiful. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. . .ah. I got a 3.2 mile run in.

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