May 26, 2014

Fitness Journal May - Week 2

total (running) mileage:17.5 miles

4-12-14 Monday
Hey-ya! It's Monday again, and that means that it's time to get back at "running" (after an off day, yesterday)! This morning I got a 3.1 mile run in, at a 7.5 minute/a mile pace. The weather has been warming up and so it's been a time of "transition" from running in cool(er) weather, to running in warm/muggy weather. (We had a thunderstorm last night, so that explains the "really muggy" weather, today. :)) It's almost a month until the Bellin Run (two more days, to be exact. . .) so I'm getting really excited!

4-13-14 Tuesday

Today is usually an off day, but tomorrow we're going to on an impromptu shopping trip in the a.m., then I'm playing piano at the CHS Auditorium at noon, then. . . in the afternoon, my sister and I are heading over to an elderly friend's house to do some yard work. So. That being said and planned: I went for my 6 mile run, this evening. :) I ran at a 8 minute/a mile pace, and completed the run in 48 minutes.

4-14-14 Wednesday

Off day! You already know the reasons from reading the paragraph above ^. Since we were running "hither and thither", I wasn't able to even get a walk in. . .but I'll count the 2. 45 minutes we spent raking/hauling plants etc. as my exercise for the day.

4-15-14 Thursday

I got a 5.4 mile run in this morning. :) I took a new route today, and really enjoyed the "country-er" feel.  Today is also going to be a busy day (packing for a trip, cooking, cleaning, errands. . .) so I got up early to be sure I got my run in. I ran at my usual "long run" pace, which was 8 minutes/a mile.

4-17-14 Saturday
We were in Arizona (got in last night) and I (barely managed...) got a 3 mile run in. Jumpin' java beans! Running in Arizona is wayyy different than running in Wisconsin, let me tell you! Where we were staying it was, what you might call "mountainous", and we were up at a pretty high altitude. Anyway. I got my run in, but I wasn't really worried about the time/my pace, as it was the first day running in a different climate/terrain/altitude.

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